Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Journey called Life

Was listening to Rabindranath's Bhanushinger Padabali (The eternal Love saga of Krishna and radha). Thought of posting the starting lines of Bhanushinger Padabali taken from GeetGovinda by Jaidev ,sung my Hemanta:

Srit Kamla Kuch Mandal, Druht Kundal, Kalitallit Ban Mal.
Jay Jay Dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.

Din mani Mandal mandan, Bhav Khandan, Muni Jan Manas Hansa.

Kaliye Vishdhar Ganjana, Jana Ranjana, Yadukul Nalin Benesha,

Jay Jay Dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.

Madhu mur Nark Binashan,Garurasan,Sur Kul keli ni dan,

Amal Kamal dal lochan,Bhav Mochan,Tribhuban Bhavan nidhan,

Jay Jay Dev Hare Jay Jay Dev Hare.

Janak Suta Krut bhushan, Jitadushan, Samar ShamitDaskantha,

Abhina Jaldhar sundar, Druht Mandhar,Shree Mukh Chandra Chakora,

Jay Jay Dev Hare jay jay dev hare.

Tab Charne Pranatabaya,Mitibhabaya, Kurukushalang pranateshu,

Srejaya diba Kabi Hridang,KuruteMudang Mangal Mujal Geeti,

Jay Jay dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.

Bhanusingher Padabali is one of the greates works of Rabindranath Tagore. He adopts the pseudonym “Bhanusingha” and wrote his series of poems called Bhanusingher Padabali (influenced by poems of Jaidev and Vidyapati). In the starting lines echoes "Love is attainment of eternity due to nearness of a human soul..." Perhaps we all forgot that love is not about the destination, its about the journey. In the fast paced world we can hardly afford to sit down, gaze quietly and adore the life we have. We are too busy thinking what we can get, forget what we have. Everybody aims for happiness, what about simplicity?

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