Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Storm
Monday, December 8, 2008
What is the economic crisis??
So, what is the eco-crisis all about?
Frankly speaking, the big companies are unable to sustain their business. If they are out of business we become jobless, we become jobless we dont spend, if we dont spend the goods are not sold and finally the company cant sell their product and then finally they shut down - A vicious cycle. Like a bicycle, as long as you keep on pedaling it will move the moment you stop your wight will drag the bicycle motion and will come to halt.
When did it all start?
Analyst say, the start of the crisis can be dates back to as early as July 2007 (src: wikipedia) when the house prices started falling. I t all started with the falling house price. In US, the people who intend to buy house generally take the mortgage route. The housing finance companies give loan and the house papers are kept as mortgage. When the loan is repaid the papers are returned. Now comes the interesting part: the loan interest started increasing so that people were unable to pay and they started defaulting. Once with high interest rate and the defaulting increased the demean for housing slumped. This led to reduction in the property prices, which further promted citizen to defualt - because the amount they were going to repay was far higher than the new house price. This was devastating. Led to further reduction in house prices. By this time Big housing companies like Freddie and Fannie has assumed huge mortgage papers whose value eroded sharply. They became bankrupt. Next in line was investment banks and the finally the retail banks. And the rest is history...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My Dream
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Journey called Life
Was listening to Rabindranath's Bhanushinger Padabali (The eternal Love saga of Krishna and radha). Thought of posting the starting lines of Bhanushinger Padabali taken from GeetGovinda by Jaidev ,sung my Hemanta:
Srit Kamla Kuch Mandal, Druht Kundal, Kalitallit Ban Mal.
Jay Jay Dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.
Din mani Mandal mandan, Bhav Khandan, Muni Jan Manas Hansa.
Kaliye Vishdhar Ganjana, Jana Ranjana, Yadukul Nalin Benesha,
Jay Jay Dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.
Madhu mur Nark Binashan,Garurasan,Sur Kul keli ni dan,
Amal Kamal dal lochan,Bhav Mochan,Tribhuban Bhavan nidhan,
Jay Jay Dev Hare Jay Jay Dev Hare.
Janak Suta Krut bhushan, Jitadushan, Samar ShamitDaskantha,
Abhina Jaldhar sundar, Druht Mandhar,Shree Mukh Chandra Chakora,
Jay Jay Dev Hare jay jay dev hare.
Tab Charne Pranatabaya,Mitibhabaya, Kurukushalang pranateshu,
Srejaya diba Kabi Hridang,KuruteMudang Mangal Mujal Geeti,
Jay Jay dev Hare, Jay Jay Dev Hare.
Bhanusingher Padabali is one of the greates works of Rabindranath Tagore. He adopts the pseudonym “Bhanusingha” and wrote his series of poems called Bhanusingher Padabali (influenced by poems of Jaidev and Vidyapati). In the starting lines echoes "Love is attainment of eternity due to nearness of a human soul..." Perhaps we all forgot that love is not about the destination, its about the journey. In the fast paced world we can hardly afford to sit down, gaze quietly and adore the life we have. We are too busy thinking what we can get, forget what we have. Everybody aims for happiness, what about simplicity?
Monday, September 8, 2008
through lothrough love bitter things become sweet..
through love bits of copper is turned into gold
through love dregs become purest wine
through love pain becomes a healing balm
through love dead becomes alive...
Taken from the discourse from Jalauddin Rumi.. a Sufi poet from of 12th century AD as translated by John Baldock. Rumi wrote one of the most enchanting sufi poems which makes you feel the eternal spirit of love....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What is in a city?
Calcutta, my hometown, birthplace had a charm of its own (along with its shortcomings, you cant deny it). The place is untidy, people are boisterous, noisy, quarreling but very passionate. During the independence movement, Calcutta gave the maximum number of revolutionaries (read "Struggle for Indian Independence" by Bipin Chandra) and the British wanted the rest of India to be segregated from the perilous influence of Calcutta. But every city has its own shelf life which Calcutta also had. Came the downturn in late 80's and 90's which finally led to birth of Kolkata. The City of joy led way for city of hope. Today things are changing, and pretty fast. People which used to be the nervous system of the city is now fast changing and malls, amusement park taking its place. Truly change it the routine of life.
I came to Chennai at 2005 for my post graduation at IIT Madras. Thing were very different from Calcutta. Food is different, culture is different, people are different. Apart from a bad experience of Auto (worst in India, I can vouch for it) Chennai experience was not that bad. People from North cannot tolerate Chennai food, But I happily gained 8 kgs within my 1st year with sambhar-idly-dosha-utthapam. But the main thing common about Chennai and Calcutta is the stron regional feeling, dominated by the language. Bengali literature being so rich (largest book-fair in world by the number of attendee in world, maximum number of regional books in any Indian language) and Tamil language being one of the oldest spoken language brings these two city to a common platform. You from the surface, the bongs and the tams are so different. One being so impulsive and the later so opposite, still look for the common soul finding. A person staying in these cities cannot stay anywhere outside and anybody from outside cannot come and stay in these cities.
Lastly, coming to Pune, a hi-fi cosmopolitan town marked by IT professionals from all over India has given a truly cultural mix. Previously known as Oxford of East now houses 120,000 students. The city Rocks, Raves and Smiles with the young confident crowd. But I cannot take my Calcutta or the Chennai out of me. Today they are my identity and I have taken the cities along with me